June 20, 2024 @ 9:00 am - June 23, 2024 @ 10:00 am
Expectation Church 11924 Braddock Rd Fairfax, VA 22030
VBS: Start The Party
Join us for our 4-day VBS this summer from June 20-23! We will dance, sing, play games, do crafts, have a snack and PARTY everyday, celebrating the Good News of Jesus! VBS will be from 9am-12pm on Thursday-Saturday and will end on Sunday at 9am and 11am, during our regular Sunday Services. VBS is open for rising Kindergarteners thru those just finished 5th grade. This will be a drop off event and all of our volunteers will be background checked. It is $5 to sign up your child and they will receive a t-shirt to wear for the weekend! We hope to see you at the party!